The Virtue of Demanding Religious Sciences

The Virtue of Demanding Religious Sciences
A Muslim is not enough just to declare his Islam without trying to understand Islam and practice it. His statement must be proven by carrying out the consequences of Islam. And to carry out the consequences of the recognition that we have Islam, it requires knowledge.

Demanding Science Is Required
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,

طَلَبُ الْعِلْمِ فَرِيْضَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ

"Demanding that knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim" (Narrated by Ibn Majah no. 224, from a friend of Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu ‘anhu, dishahihkan Al Albani in Shahiih al-Jaami’ish Shaghiir no. 3913)

Demanding knowledge is mandatory for Muslims and Muslim women. When Allah has commanded something, as a Muslim, what we have to do is sami'na wa atha'na, we hear and we obey. In accordance with the word of God Ta ‘ala:

 إنما كان قول المؤمنين إذا دعوا إلى الله ورسوله ليحكم بينهم أن يقولوا سمعنا وأطعنا وأولئك هم المفلحون

  "Verily the words of those who believe if invited to return to Allah and His Messenger so that the Apostle gives a legal decision between them simply by saying," We hear and we obey ". And only those who are happy. "(Surat an-Nuur [24]: 51).

As we take our time to pray. When the time has shown prayer times, we will definitely take the time to pray even if for example we are working and we still have a lot of work. We will still leave our activities and immediately do the prayer. Then so should we have to do with studying.

What is Science?
 Science is the key to all goodness. Science is a means to fulfill what God requires us. Imperfect faith and imperfect charity, except with knowledge. With the knowledge of Allah worshiped, with the right of God fulfilled, and also with the knowledge of His religion spread.

The need for knowledge is greater than the need for food and drink, because the sustainability of religious and world affairs depends on science. Imam Ahmad said, "Humans need more knowledge than food and drink. Because food and drinks are only needed two or three times a day, while knowledge is needed at all times. "

If we want to bear a noble honor, a glory that is not eroded by night and day trips, timeless by changing times and years, authority without power, wealth without assets, weapons without weapons, nobility without extended families, supporters without wages, unpaid troops , then we must be knowledgeable.

However, what is meant by the word science here is the science of syar'i. That is the science that will make a Muslim know his obligations in the form of problems of worship and muamalah, as well as knowledge of Allah and His attributes, whatever rights he must fulfill in worshiping Him, and purifying Him from various shortcomings "(Fathul Baari , 1/92).

From the explanation of Ibn Hajar rahimahullah above, it is clear to bring when only mentioned the word "science", then what is meant is the science of syar'i. Therefore, it is a mistake of some people who carry out arguments about the obligations and virtues of studying from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, but what they mean is to motivate learning in worldly science. Even so, it does not mean we deny the benefits of learning worldly knowledge. Because the law studies worldly knowledge depends on its purpose. When used in kindness, then good. And if it is used in ugliness, then it is bad. (See Kitaabul ‘Ilmi, p. 14).

The Virtues of Science and Owner of Science
It is unfortunate that some scientific assemblies do not have a magnetic power that can lure Muslims to sit there, kneel before God to spend time studying the words of Allah za Azza wa Jalla and hadith the sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam prophet. We prefer to waste time with friends, spend time on Instagram, Twitter or other social media than sitting in a science council. There are many factors that cause this to happen. One of them is because Muslims do not yet know the virtues and advantages, learn the science of religion. We do not yet know how fortunate it is to sit for hours in the assembly of science studying the verses of Allah. If we don't know it, we will not sit in the science council. Because human nature does act according to the principle of profit. The fact is, if we do not know the benefits or benefits of a thing then we will not do that. Likewise with worship. Therefore, the more we learn and know the benefits of prayer, fasting, zakat, then we will be more passionate about living it. This is what we should be aware of

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